Chapter 3 (sample text)
Essential Head-Spine Balance
The atlanto-occipital joint is the most important joint of the body.
It influences overall movement coordination and breathing freedom. Therefore, we need to cultivate an accurate map of the area. AO for short, this joint by nature wants to be free, allowing the head to float “bobblehead-like” on top of the spine. Muscle tension in the neck distorts the natural relationship of the head to the spine. Tension and a lack of balance at the AO joint will limit your ability to sustain long phrases and to articulate cleanly and swiftly.
As we are kind to our neck allowing it to be free, our head is able to balance on the atlas over the front of the spine along the core of the body.
To find your AO joint, point with tip of the tongue to the back roof of your mouth. You are now pointing toward this most important place of balance. . . .